Interview About the Challenges of Female Entrepreneurship & Menstrual Leave Policy effie bersoux growthgirls
Home Interview Female Entrepreneurship & GrowthGirls’ Menstrual Leave Policy 

Female Entrepreneurship & GrowthGirls’ Menstrual Leave Policy 

The challenges of female entrepreneurship and menstrual leave policy, as discussed in

About the idea of GrowthGirls 

How did you come up with the idea to start GrowthGirls, and what was your vision for the company when you launched it in 2019?

Starting my own company was driven by my desire to take charge of all the key decisions related to our marketing projects and the way we approach them. By merging this ambition with a cause that truly inspires and fulfills me—empowering women—I founded GrowthGirls.

Menstrual Leave Policy 

What inspired you to implement a paid menstrual leave policy at your company? Is it a topic that’s more widely discussed abroad, or did it come from your personal experience? Do you think Spain, as the only country in the EU that has such a policy, could set an example for other countries?

Many pro-women measures begin with the personal experiences of women in decision-making positions. The trigger for establishing menstrual leave came from my own experience and from what I saw many of my female colleagues going through.

The basic principle behind paid menstrual leave policy is honesty: informally, we always supported a colleague when she wasn’t at 100% of her capabilities. Why not make it official? Why not speak plainly, without fear or prejudice? Why should a woman have to ask for “favors” or suffer and pretend in order not to be seen as failing her professional duties?

By officially establishing the leave, we show that it’s not a “favor,” but a right. We send the message that a woman’s professional value is not affected by her need to take a few hours off. Every new measure serves as a pilot for broader application. The experience from Spain shows that we all have a lot to learn in order to find the best way to implement this on a larger scale.

“A Woman’s Professional Value Is Not Determined by Menstrual Leave”

Productivity Increase and Employee Well-being with Paid Menstrual Leave Policy

You’ve stated that your team’s productivity has increased as a result of implementing menstrual leave, with an emphasis on mental and physical rest. Based on this, what is your opinion on pilot programs for reduced work hours or four-day work weeks that we see being implemented in Europe?

Personally, I believe I wouldn’t have been able to build my own thriving company if I had limited myself to just four days a week or only a few hours each day. My decision was influenced by my mental and physical well-being. It’s important to recognize that everyone is unique; we all have different strengths, ambitions, and interpretations of what “work-life balance” entails. Ideally, society should provide various options to support everyone while maintaining smooth operations and functionality.

A periodic re-examination of such issues isn’t bad, either. We should not forget that the eight-hour workday was once established to protect workers from overwork.

Effie Bersoux €20 Sponsorship for Period Products

Part of your corporate culture is to support your employees with a monthly sponsorship of €20 for period products, and you’ve advocated that such sponsorships should be offered by the state. What is your opinion on the “pink tax” on such essential items, and the overall economic impact it has on women?

This monthly corporate sponsorship has a symbolic character. I won’t express a personal opinion, I will only share some data, and everyone can draw their own conclusions:

The European Union has given member states the option to sell period products at zero VAT. Thus, the “pink tax” can be abolished! In the UK, the tax on period products has been completely removed. Proof that it is feasible in practice! In Scotland, under the Period Products Act, period products are provided free of charge by the state. Proof that it is feasible to offer them for free! In Greece, the tax on period products remains at 24%, while it is only 6% on toilet paper. What does this prove? I leave it to your judgment. Gender Pay Gap – On the occasion of Equal Pay Day, it is a fact that the gender pay gap still exists. What do you say to the argument that implementing policies, such as menstrual leave, might discourage some companies from hiring or promoting women?

In a market where there is a talent finding crisis, if companies choose not to hire capable people just because they are women, let them do so. It is the surest way to stay behind their competitors.

Women’s Entrepreneurship

As a leading figure in female entrepreneurship, what do you think are the biggest obstacles facing women in growth marketing? Are the terms of entrepreneurship more favorable abroad?

The more advanced a society is, the fewer prejudices you encounter, and the stronger female role models there are, the more empowered women become. Without resorting to studies or analyses, just think about how differently a female CEO is perceived in a country with a female prime minister. The associations are completely different.

In Greece, within a few years, women have gone from having no right to vote to being at the helm of significant decisions. It’s a huge leap, and it’s natural for society to need time to adjust. However, this does not mean we put a brake on our ambitions waiting for society to change. We continue on the path paved by previous women and pave the way for the next ones. This way, we shorten the time needed for real change to arrive.

The Role of the State

What is your personal message regarding the initiatives that businesses like yours can undertake, as well as the active role the state should take in establishing similar policies to enhance gender equality?

I know many women feel uncomfortable with mandatory quotas. Our value diminishes when our presence is “imposed,” such as the national regulation requiring 25% representation of women on boards of listed companies (soon to increase to 33%).

Of course, being a woman does not automatically make one worthy. However, considering the cascading negative effects of a lack of women in decision-making centers, it is clear that such measures benefit not only women but the entire society as well.

I refer you to independent studies from leading economic organizations. Women’s participation has been proven to increase wealth and development collectively.

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